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Dont Supersize It

ChangeOneDiet.com from Reader's Digest

Article from CampShane

Parents have power - they control the grocery shopping and create the family's definition of a meal. Even if they can't control school lunches or keep kids from blowing their allowance on chocolate bars, they can set the rules for what's eaten in the house and when.

Don't even buy it: Spare your kids (and yourself) the temptation by not stocking the house with chips, soda, doughnuts and other junk foods.

Portion control: Think in terms of cups and half-cups. If you do have ice cream, serve it in small bowls.

Keep the serving bowls and platters off the table to cut down on second helpings. A little more thought will go into it asking for seconds.

Start cultivating taste buds and eating habits as early as possible. New parents can use those first years, before many children become pickier eaters and hone the ability to argue, to introduce healthy tastes. Offer vegetables as the first course when the child is most hungry.

When out, NEVER "supersize." Nobody needs that much food, especially your kids.
Limit the locations: Eat in the kitchen or dining room. If kids can't eat in front of the TV, they'll reduce mindless munching (and maybe cut down on TV, too!)

Make them ask: Parents have more control when kids know they have to ask for a snack.

Don't cook separate "kids" meals: Youngsters won't learn to like new tastes if they always default to macaroni and cheese or pizza.

Place fruit and veggies in clear sight: Make it as "grab-and-go" as possible, whether washed and on the counter or sliced in the fridge.

Eat as a family whenever possible: Put the vegetables right on their plates.
Make junk food less available, but don't ban it completely: You don't want to foster an obsession.

Avoid overly processed foods: Can you recognize what plant or animal it came from? If not, don't eat it.

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