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Eric Harr: How to lose weight and eat food you love

Boca Java Gourmet Coffee & Tea

By Eric Harr for Marin Independent Journal

Most of us want to whittle our waistlines, but cutting calories can be unpleasant, unpalatable - and downright unhealthy.

Depriving ourselves of foods we enjoy in order to lose weight is a strategy that rarely pans out. That's because we humans don't do well with deprivation. Cut out a favorite food, like ice cream, from your diet for too long, and you'll likely come back to Ben & Jerry's with a vengeance - and a jumbo serving spoon. That's why most people who go on a diet tend to gain it all back - along with some "bonus pounds."

We tend to do things in extremes, particularly when it comes to eating. But, extreme diets are no way to live, and research shows they don't work long term anyway.

"The best approach to healthy eating and weight management has been and always will be about balance, sensibility and moderation," says Monica Gullon, VIV Magazine's nutrition director.

But, if you think you have to give up red meat, ice cream or coffee to revamp your diet, guess again. When it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle, the devil is in the details.

Consider these examples: A mere 20 minutes of walking, five days a week can cut your heart-attack risk by a whopping 30 percent. Reducing caloric intake by 200 to 300 a day can net a pound lost every two weeks. Do the small things right, and over time it can make a big difference.

Eating is meant to be a source of pleasure and passion in your life. Don't cut out foods you love. Just strive to reduce your caloric intake through small, but meaningful, food choices.

Heed to the following five smart (and painless) strategies from Gullon (ranked by favorite guilty pleasure) and don't be surprised if you drop a few pounds in the process.

1. Chocolate

Substitute: Dark chocolate

Sacrifice in taste: Minimal. We're not asking you to replace chocolate with organic, stevia-sweetened carob. This suggestion is to replace chocolate with chocolate. That's eminently doable, right? Here's why it's a good move: The darker varieties of chocolate have fewer calories, less sugar and more antioxidants. The higher cocoa content in dark chocolate also decreases bad (LDL) cholesterol, reduces the risk of blood clots and improves mood by elevating serotonin levels. So, enjoy!

2. Whole-milk latte

Substitute: Nonfat cappuccino

Sacrifice: None. Not-fat cappuccino has the same java jolt as whole-milk latte - and spares you about 160 calories per serving. And, if you like foam, any expert will tell you that nonfat milk froths better.

3. Soy sauce

Substitute: Reduced-sodium soy sauce

Sacrifice: None. Reduced-sodium soy sauce and its "regular" counterpart are brewed the same way; the salt is removed later, so taste is comparable. Go with reduced-sodium soy and you save 158mg of sodium in every teaspoon.

Eating less salt reduces water retention - and that makes you look and feel slimmer.

4. Premium ice cream

Substitute: Light ice cream

Sacrifice: None. Light ice cream is made with the same rich ingredients as the higher fat ice creams, so taste is virtually the same. This doesn't give you license to dig in with reckless abandon, but you can, and should, enjoy ice cream when you really crave it. Just be sure it says "light" on the label.

5. Fast-food burger

Substitute: Bison burger

Sacrifice: Minimal. Bison cuts are similar to beef and come with less fat and calories. Did you know that bison has fewer calories and less fat than skinless chicken breast? Bison can cost more than regular beef. Seek it out at specialty grocers like Whole Foods.

Granted, we don't all eat ice cream or red meat or soy sauce every week. The advice here is specific; but, the message here is broad. Living your best life doesn't mean you have to make major, sweeping, difficult-to-implement changes. You can experience the most profound life improvements from the small, subtle but meaningful choices each day.

Here's a final tip: Sit with a nice nonfat cappuccino and make a list of five simple, achievable things you will do this week to live a healthier, more vibrant and more passion-driven life. Then, live it!

Marin native Eric Harr is a former pro triathlete, CBS-5's fitness expert and the founding editorial director of VIV Magazine. This story was written in conjunction with the VIV editing team. To learn more, visit www.ericharr.com.

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