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Take the Sony Walkman NW-S200 to the Gym With You

Biggest Loser Challenge Enter to win $20,000

Meet your newest best friend in fighting the bulge - the Sony Walkman NW-S200 MP3 player. This gadget is a mean, lean fighting machine with a built in calorie counter, pedometer, stopwatch and music pacer. This is not your ordinary MP3 player.

How can I count it's worthiness?


You input your age, height and weight into the MP3 Player. Strap it on your arm and hop on to the treadmill. Whether you are walking or running, the Music Pacer will switch your created playlists based on your pace. You can even set the amount of time you want to work out, calories to burn or travel distance. At the end of each workout, this tiny device lights up and tells you that calories burned are equal to so many burgers, cakes, and sweets. Very nice.

Other Mp3 features are: 2GB Built-in Memory, Built-in FM Tuner, Quick Battery Charge, Shuffle Shake, Multi Language Display, 5 Mode Equalizer and Water Resistent.

This is going to be one of the hottest holiday items for all fitness lovers. The Sony NW-S200 is available for purchase at Sonystyle.com for $149.95US.


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