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Your Life : Diet By Numbers & Get A Fantastic Figure


Using numerals to help you lose weight can make slimming as easy as 1,2,3 says dietitian Julieet Kellow...

When it comes to losing weight, the only number most of us worry about is the one on the bathroom scales.

But there's a host of other figures that can help you get in great shape - and you don't need a calculator to work them out. In fact, dieting by using a few key numbers is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. So eyes down for a slimmer body...

1 The number of times you should weigh yourself in a week

Keeping a record of your dieting progress is important, but this doesn't mean jumping on the scales six times a day.

It's normal for weight to fluctuate throughout the day as fluid intakes change - often making it look like you've gained 4lb between 8am and 8pm!

This can be demoralising and ruin your resolve, so weigh yourself just once a week, at the same time of day, wearing the same clothes. Keep a record of your vital statistics too. It's doubly encouraging seeing the inches drop as well as the pounds.

3 The number of servings of whole grain you should eat each day

They keep the heart healthy, but studies also show that adults who eat plenty of whole grains weigh less and gain fewer pounds over the years.

As well as being low in fat, they're packed with fibre and complex carbs, helping to fill us up so we're less likely to snack.

Whole grains also help to steady blood sugar levels, preventing crashes that can lead to carb cravings.

One serving is equivalent to a slice of wholemeal bread, three tablespoons of cooked wholewheat pasta, two tablespoons of cooked brown rice, three tablespoons of whole grain cereal or two Shredded Wheat.

5 The number of servings of fruit and veg you should eat each day

These help to prevent heart disease, certain cancers and diabetes. But they're also low in fat and calories and high in filling fibre, making them a great choice for losing weight.

Swapping a daily chocolate bar for an apple, for example, would help you lose 22lb in a year. Choose five different fruit and veg daily and vary the colours to get a mix of vitamins and minerals.

One serving is a medium-sized piece of fruit, two small fruits like kiwis or satsumas, a small glass of pure juice, a bowl of salad or three tablespoons of veg or beans.

6 The maximum grams of salt you should have a day

Too much salt is linked to high blood pressure, a condition that affects around a third of adults in England and Wales, and increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

As a result, the Food Standards Agency recommends we eat less than 6g of salt a day. As well as avoiding the salt pot, cutting down on foods like crisps, ready meals, takeaways, bacon, burgers, pastry, pizza, canned soups, ready-made cooking sauces, ketchup and pickles will reduce levels.

But better still, eating fewer of these foods - which tend to be high in calories but low in nutrients - may also help you lose weight. Look on labels to find out the salt content of foods - if there's no figure for salt, multiply the value for sodium by 2.5.

8 The number of glasses of water you should drink each day

Water makes up about two-thirds of our body weight and has many functions such as removing waste products and controlling body temperature.

But drinking water also helps us stay slim. Unlike many other drinks, water is free from calories, so won't pile on the pounds.

Swapping a daily can of cola for a glass of water, for example, would leave you more than a stone lighter in a year. But that's not the only way water helps to control our weight.

Some experts believe we often mistake thirst for hunger and so eat when really our body is craving water. Plus, in the short term, a glass of water can help to fill us up and curb hunger pangs.

14 The maximum units of alcohol a woman should have in a week

Regularly drinking too much damages the liver, raises blood pressure and increases the risk of heart disease.

But it can also play havoc with your waistline because it's packed with calories - and we're more likely to eat high-calorie junk food after a heavy drinking session.

The Department of Health recommends women have no more than 2-3 units of alcohol a day, up to a maximum of 14 units in a week. Unfortunately, it's easy to have all your daily units in just one drink.

For example, a pint of strong lager contains three units and 250 calories and a 200ml glass of wine, two units and 140 calories. Men should have no more than 3-4 units a day, up to a maximum of 21 units a week. One unit is a single pub measure (25ml) of spirits, half a pint of ordinary strength lager or cider and one small glass (125ml) of wine.

30 The number of minutes you should exercise for five times a week

Experts recommend adults do 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity five times a week.

That might sound hard, but fast walking counts. You don't need to do it all in one go either - it's fine to break it into two lots of 15 minutes or three lots of 10 minutes.

Exercise burns calories, strengthens muscles and boosts metabolism, so you lose weight and look more toned.

70 Maximum grams of fat women should have each day

Cutting fat is one of the easiest ways to cut calories, without having to count them. Opting for lower-fat dairy products, eating fewer fried and fatty foods and choosing lean meat also helps.

Look for low-fat products, too - they have 3g of fat or less per 100g. Don't be fooled by the term "reduced-fat". By law, these foods only need to have 25 per cent less fat than the standard product and so may still contain a lot of fat. Because men are bigger they can have up to 95g of fat a day.

700 Milligrams of calcium to have each day

Calcium is crucial for strong, healthy bones to protect against osteoporosis in later life. But there's also evidence that calcium from low-fat dairy products helps lose weight, especially fat from the midriff.

One study discovered that people eating three daily servings of low-fat dairy products lost more than 10 per cent of their body weight - and the effects were greater than when calcium intake was boosted by supplements.

So, get your 700mg from three daily dairy servings such as a glass of semi-skimmed milk, one pot of low-fat yoghurt and a matchbox-sized piece of reduced-fat cheese.

1,200 Minimum number of daily calories women should have to lose weight

Rather than helping us to lose those pounds, severe dieting simply pushes our body into protecting its fat stores and using muscle to provide it with some of the calories it needs.

This leads to a loss of muscle, which in turn lowers metabolism, slowing weight loss. Stick to a daily minimum of 1,200 calories - 1,500 for men - and you'll lose up to 2lb a week. It might not sound much, but it adds up to a stone in less than two months. Now that's a figure worth working for.

Article Source: Mirror.Co.Uk

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