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Body For Life - Take The Diet Software Challenge

3 Hour Diet at Home

I remember the days when I had to input my Weight Watchers statistic into the notebook that came with my program. Or trying to find the time from my hectic life to make my support group meetings. Dieters of today have got it easy, companies such as Jenny Craig, Diet.com, and Ediets have all the tools you need to be successful in their programs online - everything from weight loss tips to finding a diet buddy.

Computers and the internet has definitely made the process faster and quicker when we search for information on line. Anything related to diet you will guarantee to find. Have you considered all the possibilities that are available to you in your quest for the ideal body?
When I first started the journey of losing weight three years ago, the best tool I have ever used (and I still swear by it) is a diet journal. I liked the idea of being able to monitor the progress of my diet and fitness regimen, knowing my daily calories burned, and being able to forecast how long it will take for me to accomplish my weight loss goal.

Diet softwares are a very good resource and tool in losing weight. There are so many to chose from and they can be downloaded right to your computer, or are internet based. If you haven't taken one out for a spin, then you are missing some good stuff that just makes dieting a lot more easier, and for most part, bearable. I have put together a list of software that's available for free, and those that provide free trial before paying for a membership based on popularity. I have not used everyone of them, so if you would like to comment on how it works for you, I am sure that other readers will find it useful.

Free To Download:

Recipe Manager - A free and easy-to-use Recipe Database Management System to assist you in organizing your recipes and help you in analysing the nutritional values of your meals. It contains large database of ingredients and their nutrient values (over 100 nutrient, micronutrient, mineral and vitamin).

Free Weight Tracker for Desktop PC 6.1 - The Weight Tracker simplifies weight data logging. The software automatically saves weight, relationship to the meal, time of the measurement, and general state of health.

myCoach Personal Trainer 1.2.1 - MyCoach personal trainer is a fitness application for athletes, geeks, people on diet, Use mycoach personal trainer to keep detailed records of workouts and personal measurements and results. View, Print, Analyze, Publish your results easily. Monitor your weight loss easily. Features Easy to use training plan browser to view your training plans. Create/Edit training plans.

Free - Internet Based:

FitDay - Get your free online diet journal and start tracking your foods, exercises, weight loss, and goals. Take control of their diet and lose weight.

12 Weeks To Weight Loss with Paige Waehner - If your goal is to lose fat, have I got a deal for you. How about a free 12-Week Program you can follow?

PeerTrainer - PEERtrainer Offers a Free Weight Loss and Diet Journal. Unlike other online journals, PEERtrainer integrates the log into groups and teams. Daily logging and journaling is effective, but it is much more effective when you know someone will read the log. You enter your thoughts, goals, workouts and meals each day and your group members and team members will be reading your log and offering you daily support, motivation and advice.

Free To Try Before Paid Membership:

Workoutware - Open Fitness tracks workouts, supplement usage, diet. Open Fitness is perfect for people who want to lose weight, bodybuilders, athletes, personal trainers, and anyone else serious about fitness. Easily view a chart of how you are getting stronger or faster at any exercise, losing weight, or losing inches.

Kathleen's Diet Planner - Kathleen's Diet Planner is professional nutrition, diet, and exercise software that empowers you to take control of your diet for better health, fitness, and weight loss. It contains the expanded USDA and CNF food databases with 32,000 food entries showing 142 nutrients. Build meal plans and recipes. Track daily food intake and analyze what you've eaten.

Weight-By-Date Pro 2.9 - Weight-By-Date Pro is the most complete diet software available for your PC. It's a carb counter, calorie counter, and food diary all rolled into one. It also logs your weight, exercises, body measurements, daily notes, and motivates like no other.

I am adding a new feature to The Bikini Body Diet and building a Diet Blog page. If you have a blog or a diet journal on line, just fill in the form on the left sidebar and in the next couple of weeks the page will be live!


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