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The Art of Weight Loss


I believe that being successful in dieting does not come from having the latest diet book. Or having the latest fitness gizmo. Or taking the newest pill craze. I believe that losing weight relies heavily on how well we adapt to the new changes of habit we are trying to form in our lives.

When a resolution is made to lose weight, we need to look at our daily habits. Habits that have gotten us to where we are in life that requires to be changed in order to be successful in our lifetime commitment to be healthy. Then new habits need to be formed to keep us on track towards the ultimate quest.

What do you feel are the habits that has contributed to your weight gain? Not eating nutritional foods? Eating late at night? Not enough exercise? In order to understand what we need to work on, we need to know what the contributors are. Just as an example in my case, I am self employed and I work in front of the computer all day. Wild horses will have to drag me away to make a meal, or even eat a meal. Denying your body nourishment is not one of the top rules in losing weight as most of you already know.

What new habits are needed? I now walk every morning for an hour before I start my daily buzzing on the internet. The exercise, low cardio as it may seem, makes me feel energetic, healthy and alive. The alarm on my computer is now set to remind me that I need to have my meal and as an added measure, each reminder comes with motivational phrase or picture. How about you? What habits can be formed in your life that will make the difference?

Easier said than done? It does seem that way at first when you take the little baby steps to make a positive change to a destructive habit. Plan, plan, plan, as my dad would say. You need to plan your steps. Make a daily calendar and schedule your new habits, whatever they are - exercise schedule, meal planning, set meal times. It just gets easier every day.


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