Rio Slim Secret, Slim Stick & Mona Vie
With all the diet products available in the market today, it can sometimes become complicated to make heads and tails of what they are good for. January and February has seen an increase of more products hitting the market, probably because statistically, these are the opportune moments to cash in on the Weight Loss Resolutions for the year. In the last week alone, these are some of the new product developments to hit the consumer market.
RIO SLIM SECRET includes the extract of the powerful Chá de bugre plant, which has recently been discovered in the Brazilian rainforest. This red fruit contains components that work to create a comfortable sense of fullness that controls the appetite and helps you to eat several small meals a day, which results in a quicker metabolic rate. By helping to curb hunger cravings, Rio Slim Secret essentially eliminates the need to diet. Rio Slim Secret®not only contains all-natural weight-loss properties, but it also has several health benefits. It has twice the antioxidant power of green tea and will help to naturally boost the metabolism while strengthening the body's immune system. Chá de bugre has been called the New Ephedra because of its ability to decrease appetite and the appearance of cellulite - but with none of its harmful side-effects. Without the aid of any potentially dangerous additives, Rio Slim Secret has actually been shown to support and strengthen the heart by improving cardiovascular function.
SLIM STICK FROM T.H.E.M. - "Let's face it," says Ken Botterbrodt, Senior Vice President of Technical Help in Engineering and Marketing (T.H.E.M.), "plain bottled water can be boring after a while. Stick pack-based powders make it easy for bottled water drinkers to add a literal dash of variety." According to Botterbrodt, "Stick packs enable active lifestyle consumers to do more than give their bottled water a little flavor kick. It also allows them to put some of the important minerals back into their favorite brands of bottled water." Botterbrodt explains that most people do not drink pure spring waters rich in mineral content. "The bottled water most people carry around is processed by the big bottlers. Reintroducing some of those missing minerals is a good idea." Legions of bottled water toting dieters simply snap open a single-serve Slim Stick, pour the contents--their favorite powdered beverage--into their water bottle, shake it up and enjoy.
MONA VIE - Pure organic acai berry gels and acai juice elixirs may be the answer to fast food woes and supersized proportions that have consumed people of this era. Scientific research has suggested that acai berries may even aid adults healing from osteoarthritis and sports related injuries. Acai health benefits, as found in MonaVie, may potentially lead society toward a slimmer and healthier lifestyle. The benefits of the acai berry are plentiful, from increased energy to powerful antioxidants to promote dynamic health. Acai juice blend gels and acai berry juice from the Mona Vie line combine acai berries and various fruits of the Amazon to appeal to consumers concerned with wellness.