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Can You Eat Dessert On A Diet?

Want to fit in? 12 Tips for a Bikini-ready body.

In my opinion, any diet that doesn't allow for desserts, at least once in a while, is a diet that is doomed to fail. I know there are diets out there that are designed to help you get rid of sugar cravings and therefore ban sugar from your diet. But even if you are on a sugar free diet, either because you choose to be or because you need to be because of a health issue such as diabetes which makes avoiding sugar part of your everyday life, I think dessert should be part of every diet plan.

Why do I think that? Although I am not a health care professional or weight loss expert with a degree, I have gone on enough diets myself to know that I am the most successful when a diet has some "wiggle room" in it that allows me to have treats. And, I recently read about one well known fitness trainer who counsels people who are trying to lose weight and she says she builds a couple hundred calories in her daily diet set aside for treats. She says it helps her eat healthy the rest of the day.

Some well respected experts on weight loss understand people's need for dessert. Weight Watchers has several dessert choices available at the grocery store and if you buy their magazine you will find dessert recipes. Jenny Craig and Nutri-System have desserts. And the South Beach Diet has desserts too.

I have a sweet tooth. There is no doubt I love dessert. Although some people can easily skip dessert, and may actually prefer not to have it, I am not one of those people. I don't need to have a huge piece of something sweet, but in the evening I enjoy dessert and really feel deprived if I cannot have it.

Some tips to follow about having dessert so you don't wreck your diet:

* If you are indulging in a decadent dessert, don't eat the whole thing. You will be surprised how satisfying a few bits are. Share with someone or only take a small piece

* There is some very tasty sugar free candy available. My favorites are York Peppermint patties, Red Vines licorice, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and any of the Godiva's sugar free chocolate bars. Be careful though. Sugar free candy is typically not low calorie, it's just sugar free. And too much of it can also easily upset your stomach.

* In my opinion, for the most part, a little of something you really want is better than something you are not that hungry for. So if you really want some cheesecake, have a small piece of cheesecake. If you really want ice cream, have a small bowl of your favorite ice cream.

Here are some ideas for delicious desserts that will satisfy your sweet tooth without wrecking your diet.

* Angel food cake is delicious without having a ton of calories. If you have a slice that is 1/12th of the cake, it's about 160 calories. Add a serving of regular Cool Whip for another 25 calories or sugar free Cool Whip for another 20 calories and you have a delicious dessert under 200 calories.

* Sugar free Jell-O pudding is 60 calories; 80 to 85 calories with a serving or sugar free or regular Cool Whip for an easy anytime dessert treat under 100 calories.

* Fresh raspberries sweetened with Splenda and served over a scoop of vanilla ice cream (you decide if it's going to be low fat, regular, or the frozen yogurt variety based on the calories you feel you feel comfortable having for the dessert).

* Chocolate dipped strawberries. Dip fresh strawberries in dark, milk, or white chocolate; or use a combination of all three. Unless you go overboard on the chocolate, you should be able to have two chocolate dipped strawberries for around 100 calories.

* Baked apples. Use any baked apple recipe, but try either reducing the amount of sugar a little or substituting the sugar with Splenda for baking.

About the Author
Dorrie Ruplinger has written several articles about weight loss. For a free report on how to lose 10 pounds before Christmas visit LoseWeightForChristmas.com


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