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The Man Diet

Gaiam.com, Inc

Dieting isn't exactly a macho concept. What happens when a man wants to lose weight without subjecting himself to meager meals of salads and soup? Is there a better answer?

When it comes to dieting, some men cringe at the word "diet" alone. There is nothing macho about dining on salad, and most men wouldn't be caught dead at a Weight Watcher's meeting. Wouldn't it be great to find a sensible diet for men... one that allowed a man to eat his favorite foods instead of soup and salad?

For men, the issue of weight loss is often a sensitive one. There is nothing a man hates more than to look in the mirror and find he has a less than macho physique. If you're single, you probably think those love handles are anything but female magnets, and you definitely don't want to have man breasts. Face it; you need to find a diet for men that works. The reflection staring back at you isn't one that you like.

Perhaps you've rejected the idea of going to the gym. It's almost embarrassing, actually. You've seen the guys who frequent the health club. Most of them look buff and toned in their muscle shirts and gym shorts. You tend to wear baggy T-shirts and blue jeans. There's no way you want to go flaunting those extra pounds so you can be dubbed as the fat guy on the treadmill. Is there really a diet for men that works without leaving you hungry and unsatisfied?

When searching for a diet for men, your prime concern is probably the issue of hunger. It's scientifically proven that men require more calories than women. While your wife or girlfriend might be perfectly satisfied after a lunch of salad and a diet coke, you view a salad as a prelude to the main course. Is there a diet for men that will still allow you to enjoy your meat and potatoes without leaving the table hungry for more?

Yes, there is. The best news is that you won't have to eat a bite of lettuce unless you want to, and you will never have to tolerate a growling stomach. I'm not talking about a carbohydrate-free diet where you have to say goodbye to the concept of bread. Face it, that type of eating plan depletes your energy. The best diet for men is one where you simply cut calories. When you burn off more calories than you consume, you lose weight.

You may be thinking, "Sure, that would be an effective diet for men, but I'd be starving. I'm a big guy, and I need something that fills me up." You're in luck. Hoodia Gordonii was introduced to the market a few years ago, but this cactus-like plant has actually been around for centuries. Bushmen consumed it to ward off hunger during long journeys in Africa. It's a vegetable, not a drug, so it's totally healthy to incorporate as part of your daily diet. If you're still concerned about being hungry, don't be because Hoodia Gordonii actually reduces the male appetite by up to 2,000 calories. This is better than any diet for men because you can actually eat the foods you want. The bottom line is that you'll feel as if you've already eaten, causing you to lose weight and feel better about yourself.

Imagine looking in the mirror and smiling as you see the transformation. Pretty soon, you'll be pulling on a pair of gym shorts and a sleeveless shirt of your own. Hoodia not only makes it possible, it also makes it easy.

About the Author
Martin Stanwyck has written many articles on weight loss. To read more of his work or to find out more about how Hoodia Gordonii can help you achieve your weight loss goals, visit www.hoodia.info.ms


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