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Gone Widget Crazy on Google

Good Times Entertainment

Last night I was surfing my SEO newsletters, and I came across Steve Rubel's article on 30 Amazing Things You Can Do With Widgets.

Did you know that with the help of widgets, you can track everything from your weight, water intake, and calorie calculator right from your Google Personalized Home Page? How cool is that? This makes it so very convenient to keep track of my diet and exercise progress. I added an additional tab, appropriately named MY BIG DIET, on my home page just for the purpose of downloading all of my widgets.

Since Steve's article listed only a few examples, I searched for more widgets that could be useful and here are just some I found interesting:

Calorie Calculator - a simple way to monitor you daily calorie intake, easily manage your diet and meals.

The Google 15 Weight Tracker - Graph your weight trend based on your daily scale weight.

Daily Nutrition Checklist - Track your healthy eating with a checklist based on the USDA food pyramid.

Listen to a fitness podcast - I recommend TheFitCast, a weekly weekly fitness and nutrition oriented show hosted by Kevin Larrabee and Dr. John K. Williams.

Exercise tip of the day - Not necessarily a widget, but still a very cool tool in getting you motivated in your exercise regimen.

Ontri.com Training Summary - This module let's users show today's workout schedule.

BMI Calculator - A very simple Body Mass Index Calculator

Water Tracker - Keep track of how much water you drink a day and monitor your progress.

BeginnerTriathlete Grapher - This gadget provides the BeginnerTriathlon training report graph right on your Google homepage.

RipThatPage: What i Ate/Drank - Don't feel bad about what you just ate, im sure other people around the world eat worse. This widget will do just that, let you know what everyone around the world is eating.

Allrecipes Healthy Recipes Daily Feed - A selection of Healthy recipes delivered daily.


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