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Analyzing Medifast Diet - A Personal Review

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Let me start off by giving you a little background about myself. I come from one of those homes where your parents always made you eat everything on your plate. So you can see the programming that was instilled since I was a young boy. I always used eating as a escape I guess from social problems. I was not the popular kid, and never really had a lot of friends because of my weight. Well it spiraled out of control which brings me to where I am right now. I am a 37 year old male, 5" 7" and weigh 247. On a recent check up from my doctor I was advised that I needed to loose weight. Now I am the person who had dabbled with different diets here and there, but I don't think that I was ever really committed.

So from recommendations from my doctor I decided to go on the Medifast Program. The Medifast Diet is a low calorie diet, that is structured for you and takes the guess work out. It is a meal replacement program, where you have five Medifast meals and one Lean and Green meal per day. The lean and green meal can be 7 oz of turkey, chicken or fish, or 5 oz of lean beef pork or lamb, along with a green vegetable. The food choices keep you from being bored, you can have oatmeal, hot chocolate, cappuccino, or a shake for breakfast. For lunch there are soups, granola bars or shakes and for dinner you have your lean and green meal. The program is set up where you eat every 2 hours, so that helps to keep the hunger pains down.

For the most part the meals are very good, I did have a little problem with the soups, but after learning how to spice things up, and change the tastes of the meals, it became just like cooking at home. The great thing is I finally found something that has given me results. My doctor is happy with my progress and I am jumping for joy.

I have been on the program for four weeks now and have lost 16 pounds, my pants are getting loose and my motivation is through the roof. This program has helped me to get away from the eating as a crutch, it instills a life change and a new eating pattern that will stay with you long after you are off the diet. It is not expensive, coming out to about $10 a day. But I look at it like this, you cannot put a price on your health.

The diet is changing me not only from a physical perspective, but I can see that I will have social changes also, no longer will I be frightened of going out with friends or making new friends. It is a total life change for me. I still have a ways to go trying to meet a goal of 100 pounds, but I am well on my way. For therapeutic purposes I am also keeping a Personal Blog at Analyzing Diets

This has been the easiest diet that I have ever tried, and I am very pleased with the results. I have also started a low impact exercise plan (walking) which I hope will expedite the weight loss.

If you are looking for a plan, where you don't have to count calories or read labels then the Medifast Plan is a no brainer. There are several package options to meet with medical conditions, no matter what your situation is. I highly recommend this plan to anyone who is fed up and determined to loose weight and make a difference in their life.

About the Author
Jeff Pitts resides in Little Rock, AR where he makes his living as a banking professional. His hobbies include the Internet and Movies.


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